
Oh. My. Gosh, you guys (all two of my followers.) This past month has been insane, I literally can’t even begin to organize my thoughts enough for this. Rest assured, I will break this down into smaller posts and elaborate on the different subjects, but here is pretty much how this month went.

The beginning of the month was pretty normal; we were wrapping up a week and a half of having the boys because biomom bailed to go roadtrip with her boyfriend out to Colorado (where he’s from/lives, from which she FLEW back, wasting easily a couple hundred dollars) on HER weekend with the boys.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that she is in what appears to be a healthy, stable relationship (and hopefully a loyal and faithful one), but I am NOT happy that she ditched the kids (and continues to do so) for said relationship (and let us know only like 5 days in advance, no less.) She had practically the whole summer with him (and many days with JUST him, when we had the kids), I feel like she could have done without abandoning her kids for those extra few days.
The trauma that it is causing L1 is heartbreaking–I don’t think he has a specific concept of what days he’s with which parents, but between the days we were actually supposed to have them, the extra babysitting we did for her, and the getaway she took, we had them for way longer than normal, which he could tell…about two weeks. He was thrilled to be with us the entire time, and we had a lot of fun with them, but now whenever she drops them off at our house, he FREAKS. OUT. Like, screaming, crying, clinging to her for dear life, and then wailing MOMMY! BACK! once he’s inside. I know it’s not a reaction to me (although I’m sure she kids herself that it is) because he literally adores me within 20 minutes of being here and calming down.
What it is, is that he thinks she’s going to leave again, and not come back. This really does break my heart for him, and it takes so long to calm him down. He practically hyperventilates! And of course, she wants to do the same thing again in a few months. I’m hoping she’ll be smart and do it on our weekend, that way she won’t be ditching them on her time and it won’t scar L1 as much, but who knows. She’ll probably do it on her time so she can get away from them.

Skip ahead a week or so, and I took MUCH NEEDED VACATION! No, T and the boys did not come. Yes, it was hard being away from them, and I had to call and facetime with the boys every other day because they missed me and kept asking for me (which they did not do when biomom was gone, and she didn’t ever call them either.) It was really a big relief to get away from everything that was stressing me out. I had just had a fight with T a week before leaving (which we resolved, no problem, but still), was under a TON of stress with my job, and just unhappy all around. I went to Surfside Beach in South Carolina (like 8 miles south of Myrtle) and it was beautiful and warm and relaxing and fun and exciting and everything I’ve ever wanted. To say that that is my favorite place now is NOT an understatement.

Before I left for my vacation, I had to be a whistleblower and call corporate on my manager. While it helped the current situation, it made her turn on me and passive aggressively punish me before I left and when I came back. She even went so far as to essentially say that I could call again, but that she would lie and they would believe her because she’s higher up and more respected. I also am unable to do third shift because of the kids and because of health issues, and she refuses to acknowledge that I am a legitimate parent because they didn’t come out of me, and thus doesn’t give two craps about me or my kids or my obligations. Because of this, I started looking for new jobs while on vacation, and I’m happy to say I got one (with a few more offers I’m thinking of!) I’m VERY excited–I start at my new hotel tomorrow.

Not this past weekend but the one before, we took the boys to Toledo to go to the zoo, since ours doesn’t have elephants or polar bears, and we get 50% off for being members of the zoo in our home town. We also did a fossil dig, visited a retro candy store, and ate at a restaurant that President Obama made a surprise visit to in the past! The whole last weekend was amazingly fun, and I can’t wait for our next family vacation!

This past week we’ve been moving into our new house! It’s only slightly bigger than our current one, but it has a nice front porch, big back yard, garage/work shed, and a very nice patio on the back. Unfortunately we’ve also been running in to NUMEROUS, INFURIATING PROBLEMS, which are far too many to list in this post (but maybe in another) and we’ve been set back about four days…we should’ve been all move in by yesterday afternoon, and now it seems we won’t be in until Friday morning.

Last week we also had the boys three extra days, since biomom was out of a place to stay and staying with a guy friend instead of someplace where she could actually keep her kids with her. We also get them Friday at bedtime instead of Saturday morning, because even though it’s her day (because she and T each get them on their birthdays) she wants to throw herself a birthday party THAT night instead of waiting til the next du when they’re gone (and probably go out drinking all night and not have to worry about finding a sitter or being sober enough in the morning to care for the kids.) Saturday we go to visit my patents and pick up our big screen TV!

So I guess you can say September has been pretty busy so far too. Hope you all are doing well, and there will be pictures of the last events sometime!